Monday, June 4, 2012

How would you evaluate Chesterton’s argument for a “friendship between nations based on differences” based on the state of politics today?

     The idea that opposites attract could be utilized as an example for this statement.  When there are two countries an appreciation of one another arises.  In relation to political affairs today, this can be seen in the import/export trade.  Where a country, such as, Jamaica may manufacture cane sugar (which is not a product the United States can produce in large volume) may in return receive an export of a commodity, monetary assistance or protection from outside forces.  This type of exchange enables one to develop an appreciation of another though their country structure is different.


  1. I didn't think of it in that way (import/export). That would qualify as a "friendship" because the two countries do have to come to some sort of agreement. Good point.

  2. That is a good way to think about it, but do trade relations always makes countries closer? What about Japan in the 1980s or China today?
